Information Technology Steering Committee


The Information Technology Steering Committee (ITSC) will oversee the IT governance structure and processes for The University of New Haven. ITSC will also oversee activities of the governance coordinating committees that are a part that structure. The coordinating committees will provide recommendations regarding strategies, priorities, policies and standards for campus computing to the ITSC and/or to the CIO.

The ITSC will focus its efforts on ensuring maximum value for IT investments. This involves IT goals of the committee and the resolution of conflicts, confusion and inefficiencies in the use of IT resources; and on ensuring that decision-making regarding support for the enterprise IT goals, security, policies, standards, priorities and investments occurs at the appropriate levels. 

What is IT Governance?

IT governance provides processes and structures that specify how decisions are made, implemented and managed. The IT governance initiative will determine the role of Information Technology (IT) at the University of New Haven. This includes how IT is to be used and how decisions are to be made on infrastructure strategies and IT architecture. IT governance will also specify business application needs and prioritize IT investment.
The Information Technology Steering Committee (ITSC) oversees the IT governance structure and processes for The University of New Haven.

The ITSC will receive input and/or recommendations from two established IT governance subcommittees:

Committee on Data Management and Enterprise Technology

The Committee on Administrative and Enterprise Technology (CDMET) is the University’s primary advisory committee for the application of technology to improve and support campus services, operations, management and data driven decision-making.   CDMET serves as the senior governance committee for university administrative technologies (e.g., Banner and Business Intelligence) used to support operational excellence.  In this role, CDMET will make appropriate recommendations to the ITSC regarding changes in policy, annual project priorities, changes in service, and other issues that will have institution-wide impact.   

Committee on Academic and Educational Technology

The Committee on Academic Technology (CAET) advises the Information Technology Steering Committee on policies, strategies and services related to the effective use of technology in teaching, learning and research. 

Committee Members

The ITSC is chaired by the CIO who will establish an annual planning calendar, set meeting agendas, and develop analyses to frame committee discussions and decisionsIn addition to the CIO, the members of the ITSC includes Provost, VP for Finance and Administration, VP for Operations and Student Success, Deputy Provost and the AVP of Finance and Administration.    The chairs or co-chairs of the advisory committees on Academic and Educational Technology (CAET) and Data Management and Enterprise Technologies (CDMET) will regularly attend ITSC meetings as non-voting members to provide updates on the work of their sub-committees. 

Current Projects and Policies


Current Projects

OIT Project Request Form

Under Construction…


Technology policies can be found on the portal by clicking the policies link above. Some important policies that can be found inclue Acceptable Usage Policy, Cellular Polcy, Hardware and Software Policy, and many others.

IT Governance – Technology Prioritization & Planning Process

Objectives of the Process

•Help departments anticipate their technology needs
•Provide leadership better insight into investment opportunities and funding requirements
•Apply IT resources to projects and investments of greatest strategic benefit to the University
•Provide transparency and clarity on how IT priorities are set
•Help OIT do better resource and project planning
•Make decisions efficiently

Components of the Process

•Criteria to differentiate types of requests
•Defined roles for approving funding, timing, and technical compliance
•Planning and prioritization paths that are tailored to the request type, scale and risk
•Planning cycle to anticipate needs

Types of Requests

  • Small Hardware/Software Requests – Less than $10,000 and/or funded by requesting department
  • Simple Work Requests – Less than 80 Hours of OIT support and less than $10,000 in one time or recurring costs
  • Projects – all other requests

Anticipating Needs - Hardware and Software

  • Call for Requests – Nov & May
  • OIT Review – Dec & June
  • Governance Sub-committee Review (if necesary) – Dec & July
  • OIT Testing of Software Installed in Labs – Dec & July
  • Distribution of Software to Faculty or Labs

Contact Us

OIT Project Request Form – Please use this link to submit a new project request.

If you have any other questions or concerns please email us at: